YU Weihua
Senior Surveyor
Capt. Yu Weihua got his major in marine navigation and had been serving as the Master on bulk carriers. He has a very long and extensive experience on bulk carrier operation and management. He has experience as safety manager while working for a large shipping company prior to joining our company. His years of expertise in maritime industry bring very important addition to our bulk carrier operations of the company. Capt. Yu, as an IHM expert, has good training, qualifications knowledge and experience to perform IHM Surveys. He is also authorized by the Republic of the Marshall Islands as flag state inspector.
Key Surveying Expertise:
- Marshall Islands Flag State Inspection
- Ship Condition Survey
- Loading Survey for Heavy and Steel Cargo
- Container/Cargo damage surveys
- Ship Hull and Machinery Damage (Repair) Survey
- Third-party Marine Investigations
- ISM/ISPS/MLC Internal Audit
- IHM Survey